The specific intensity of radiation is defined by
(2.2) |
where is the power received by a detector with projected area in the solid angle and in the frequency range to . Likewise is the brightness per unit wavelength:
(2.3) |
These two quantities are related by
(2.5) |
The flux density of a source is the spectral power received per unit detector area:
(2.9) |
If the source is compact enough that then
(2.10) |
The MKS units of flux density are ; .
The spectral luminosity of a source is the total power per unit frequency radiated at frequency ; its MKS units are W Hz. In free space and at distances much greater than the source size, the inverse-square law
(2.15) |
relates the spectral luminosity of an isotropic source to its flux density.
The linear absorption coefficient at frequency of an absorber is defined as the probability that a photon will be absorbed in a layer of thickness :
(2.18) |
The opacity or optical depth is defined as the sum of those infinitesimal probabilities through the absorber, starting at the source end:
(2.23) |
The emission coefficient at frequency is the infinitesimal increase in specific intensity per infinitesimal distance :
(2.26) |
The equation of radiative transfer is
(2.27) |
For any substance in Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE), Kirchhoff’s law connects the emission and absorption coefficients via the specific intensity of blackbody radiation:
(2.30) |
The brightness temperature of a source with any specific intensity is defined as
(2.33) |
For an opaque body in LTE, Kirchhoff’s law connects the emission coefficient (the spectral power per unit area emitted by the body divided by the spectral power per unit area emitted by a blackbody) to the absorption coefficient (fraction of radiation absorbed by the body) and the reflection coefficient (fraction of radiation reflected by the body):
(2.47) |
The spectral energy density of radiation is
(2.76) |
The Rayleigh–Jeans approximation for the specific intensity of blackbody radiation when is
(2.79) |
The energy of a photon is
(2.81) |
Planck’s equation for the specific intensity of blackbody radiation at any frequency is
(2.86) |
The total intensity of blackbody radiation is
(2.89) |
where the Stefan–Boltzmann constant is defined by
(2.90) |
The photon number density of blackbody radiation is
(2.100) |
The mean photon energy of blackbody radiation is
(2.101) |
The frequency of the peak blackbody brightness per unit frequency is
(2.104) |
The wavelength of the peak blackbody brightness per unit wavelength is given by Wien’s displacement law:
(2.106) |
The flux density of isotropic radiation is
(2.109) |
The Nyquist approximation for the spectral power generated by a warm resistor in the limit is
(2.117) |
At any frequency, the exact Nyquist formula is
(2.119) |
The critical density needed to close the universe is
(2.126) |
Redshift is defined by
(2.127) |
where and are the wavelength and frequency emitted by a source at redshift , and and are the observed wavelength and frequency at .
Redshift and expansion scale factor are related by
(2.128) |
The CMB temperature at redshift is
(2.129) |
The radiated electric field at distance from a charge at angle from the acceleration is
(2.136) |
In a vacuum, the Poynting flux, or power per unit area, is
(2.139) |
The total power emitted by an accelerated charge is given by Larmor’s formula
(2.143) |
which is valid only if .
Exponential notation for trigonometric functions is
(3.2) |
Electric current is defined as the time derivative of electric charge:
(3.4) |
The power pattern of a short dipole antenna is
(3.14) |
The power emitted by a short () dipole driven by a current is
(3.17) |
Radiation resistance is defined by
(3.25) |
The beam solid angle is defined by
(3.34) |
The effective area of an antenna is defined by
(3.35) |
where is the output power density produced by an unpolarized point source of total flux density .
The average effective area of any lossless antenna is
(3.41) |
Reciprocity implies
(3.44) |
Reciprocity and energy conservation imply
(3.46) |
Antenna temperature is defined by
(3.47) |
The antenna temperature produced by an unpolarized point source of flux density is
(3.48) |
If , the point-source sensitivity is .
For a uniform compact source of brightness temperature covering solid angle ,
(3.56) |
The main beam solid angle is defined by the integral over the main beam to the first zero only:
(3.57) |
and is used in the definition of main beam efficiency:
(3.58) |
The height at axial distance above the vertex of a paraboloidal reflector of focal length is
(3.60) |
The far-field distance of an aperture of diameter used at wavelength is
(3.64) |
In the far field, the electric field pattern of an aperture antenna is the Fourier transform of the aperture illumination:
(3.69) | |||
(3.72) | |||
(3.73) |
The power pattern of a uniformly illuminated linear aperture is
(3.79) |
where , and the half-power beamwidth is
(3.82) |
The half-power beamwidth (HPBW) of a a typical radio telescope with tapered illumination is
(3.96) |
The two-dimensional aperture field pattern is
(3.97) |
where is the -axis analog of on the -axis, and . The electric field pattern of a two-dimensional aperture is the two-dimensional Fourier transform of the aperture field illumination.
The power pattern of a uniformly illuminated rectangular aperture is
(3.107) |
Aperture efficiency is defined by
(3.111) |
The beam solid angle of a Gaussian beam is
(3.118) |
The surface efficiency of a reflector whose surface errors have rms is given by the Ruze equation:
(3.129) |
Noise temperature is defined by
(3.149) |
The system noise temperature is the sum of noise contributions from all sources:
(3.150) |
The ideal total-power radiometer equation is
(3.154) |
The practical total-power radiometer equation includes the effects of gain fluctuations:
(3.158) |
The Dicke-switching radiometer equation is
(3.162) |
The rms confusion caused by unresolved continuum sources in a Gaussian beam with HPBW at frequency is
(3.163) |
Individual sources fainter than the confusion limit cannot be detected reliably.
Radiometer input noise temperature can be measured by the -factor method; it is
(3.168) |
The response of a two-element interferometer to a source of brightness distribution is the complex visibility
(3.186) |
To minimize bandwidth smearing in bandwidth , the image angular radius should satisfy
(3.192) |
To minimize time smearing in an image of angular radius the averaging time should satisfy
(3.194) |
The source brightness distribution and the visibilities for an interferometer in three dimensions are related by
(3.197) |
For a two-dimensional interferometer confined to the plane, the source brightness distribution is the Fourier transform of the fringe visibilities :
(3.198) |
The point-source sensitivity (or brightness sensitivity in units of flux density per beam solid angle) for an interferometer with antennas, each with effective area , is
(3.203) |
The brightness sensitivity (K) corresponding to a point source sensitivity and a beam solid angle is
(3.204) |
where for a Gaussian beam of HPBW .
The (nonrelativistic) Maxwellian distribution of particle speeds is
(4.34) |
The free–free emission coefficient is
(4.39) |
(4.43) |
The free–free absorption coefficient is
(4.52) |
At frequencies low enough that , the Hii region becomes opaque, its spectrum approaches that of a blackbody with temperature K, and the flux density varies as . At very high frequencies, , the Hii region is nearly transparent, and
(4.54) |
On a log-log plot, the overall spectrum of a uniform Hii region has a break near the frequency at which .
The emission measure of a plasma is defined by
(4.57) |
The free–free optical depth of a plasma is
(4.60) |
The ionization rate of Lyman continuum photons produced per second required to maintain an Hii region is
(4.62) |
where is the free–free luminosity at any frequency high enough that .
The (nonrelativistic) electron gyro frequency in MHz is
(5.7) |
The Lorentz transform is
(5.12) |
(5.13) |
(5.14) |
(5.15) |
is called the Lorentz factor. If and are the coordinate differences between two events, the differential form of the (linear) Lorentz transform is
(5.16) |
(5.17) |
The Thomson cross section of an electron is defined by
(5.33) |
Magnetic energy density is given by
(5.35) |
The synchrotron power of one electron is
(5.37) |
Synchrotron power averaged over all pitch angles is
(5.42) |
The synchrotron spectrum of a single electron is
(5.66) |
where is a modified Bessel function and the critical frequency is
(5.67) |
The observed energy distribution of cosmic-ray electrons in our Galaxy is roughly a power law:
(5.70) |
where is the number of electrons per unit volume with energies to and . The corresponding synchrotron emission coefficient is
(5.78) |
The (negative sign convention) spectral index of both synchrotron radiation and inverse-Compton radiation is
(5.79) |
The effective temperature of a relativistic electron emitting at frequency in magnetic field is
(5.85) |
For a given synchrotron luminosity, the electron energy density is
(5.98) |
The total energy density of both cosmic rays and magnetic fields is
(5.100) |
where is the ion/electron energy ratio.
At minimum total energy, the ratio of particle to field energy is (equipartition):
(5.107) |
The minimum-energy magnetic field is
(5.109) |
and the corresponding total energy is
(5.110) |
The synchrotron lifetime is approximately
(5.112) |
where the functions and in Gaussian CGS units are plotted in Figures 5.10 and 5.11. Frequency limits Hz and Hz are commonly used.
The Eddington limit for luminosity is
(5.117) |
The nonrelativistic Thomson-scattering power is
(5.132) |
The relativistic Doppler equation is
(5.142) |
The net inverse-Compton power emitted is
(5.152) |
The IC/synchrotron power ratio is
(5.154) |
The average frequency of upscattered photons having initial frequency is
(5.160) |
The maximum rest-frame brightness temperature of an incoherent synchrotron source is limited by inverse-Compton scattering to
(5.163) |
The apparent transverse velocity of a moving source component is
(5.167) |
For any the angle that maximizes satisfies
(5.170) |
(5.171) |
The largest apparent transverse speed is
(5.172) |
The transverse Doppler shift (at ) is
(5.180) |
The Doppler boosting for Doppler factor is in the range
(5.183) |
The minimum mean density of a pulsar with period is
(6.5) |
A rotating magnetic dipole radiates power
(6.10) |
The spin-down luminosity of a pulsar is
(6.20) |
The minimum magnetic field strength of a pulsar is
(6.26) |
The characteristic age of a pulsar is defined by
(6.31) |
The braking index of a pulsar in terms of its observable period and the first and second time derivatives is
(6.37) |
The group velocity of pulses is
(6.42) |
The dispersion delay of a pulsar is
(6.45) |
(6.46) |
in units of pc cm is the dispersion measure of a pulsar at distance .
The Bohr radius of a hydrogen atom is
(7.6) |
The frequency of a recombination line is
(7.12) |
The approximate recombination line separation frequency for is
(7.15) |
The spontaneous emission rate is
(7.23) |
Rate balance is given by
(7.42) |
The detailed balance equations connecting Einstein coefficients are
(7.50) | |||
(7.51) |
The spectral line radiative transfer equation is
(7.57) |
The Boltzmann equation for a two-level system is
(7.64) |
The line opacity coefficient in LTE is
(7.67) |
The excitation temperature is defined by
(7.70) |
The recombination line brightness temperature is given by
(7.97) |
The electron temperature from the line/continuum ratio is
(7.99) |
Quantization of angular momentum is given by
(7.100) |
The angular momentum of a diatomic molecule is
(7.104) |
(7.105) |
is the reduced mass and is the separation of the atoms with masses and .
The rotational energy levels of a diatomic molecule with moment of inertia are
(7.107) |
The minimum temperature needed to excite the transition at frequency is
(7.119) |
The spontaneous emission coefficient is
(7.131) |
(7.132) |
and is the electric dipole moment of the molecule.
The critical density is
(7.135) |
where is the collision cross section and is the typical H molecular velocity.
The CO-to-H conversion factor in our Galaxy is
(7.140) |
The Hi hyperfine line frequency is
(7.141) |
The Hi hyperfine line emission coefficient is
(7.146) |
The Hi spin temperature is defined by
(7.148) |
where = 3.
The Hi line opacity coefficient is
(7.153) |
The hydrogen column density is defined as the integral of density along the line of sight:
(7.154) |
If the Hi line is optically thin () then the Hi column density is
(7.155) |
If the hydrogen mass of a galaxy is
(7.166) |
The total mass of a galaxy is
(7.172) |