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“The Burnt Letter” by Alexander Pushkin 🇷🇺 (6 Jun 179910 Feb 1837)
Translated from the Russian by Ivan Panin
Good-bye love-letter good-bye! ’T is her command …
How long I waited how long my hand
To the fire my joys to yield was loath! …
But eno’ the hour has come: burn letter of my love!
I am ready: listens more my soul to nought.
Now the greedy flame thy sheets shall lick …
A minute! … they crackle they blaze … a light smoke
Curls and is lost with prayer mine.
Now the finger’s faithful imprint losing
Burns the melted wax … O Heavens!
Done it is! curled in are the dark sheets;
Upon their ashes light the lines adored
Are gleaming … My breast is heavy. Ashes dear
In my sorrowful lot but poor consolation
Remain for aye with me on my weary breast …