Tormented by the thirst for the spirit
I was dragging myself in a sombre desert
And a six-winged seraph appeared
Unto me on the parting of the roads.
With fingers as light as a dream
Mine eyes he touched:
And mine eyes opened wise
Like the eyes of a frightened eagle;
He touched mine ears
And they filled with din and ringing.
And I heard the trembling of the heavens
And the flight of the angel’s wings
And the creeping of the polyps in the sea
And the growth of the vine in the valley.
And he took hold of my lips
And out he tore my sinful tongue
With its empty and false speech.
And the fang of the wise serpent
Between my terrified lips he placed
With bloody hand.
And ope he cut with sword my breast
And out he took my trembling heart
And a coal with flaming blaze
Into the opened breast he shoved.
Like a corpse I lay in the desert.
And the voice of God unto me called:
Arise O prophet and listen and guide.
Be thou filled with my will
And going over land and sea
Fire with the word the hearts of men!