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“Horatian Virtue” by Anthony Hecht 🇺🇸 (23 Jan 192320 Oct 2004)
A blameless, upright life, an unblemished conscience,
Plus the fact that clearly I’m not on anyone’s shit list,
Neither the Fed’s nor any of my neighbors’,
Bolsters me, Hanson,
More solidly than a Saturday Night Special;
Whether footslogging through Brooklyn at four AM
Or risking the gloom-filled catacombs of the subway,
Everything’s dandy.
For when catastrophe struck at Three Mile Island
I was miles away, singing about my Mabel,
Mating my rhymes, while even the liquid coolant
Turned radioactive.
Things were quite tense in eastern Pennsylvania:
Would the milk, the air, the bloodstreams all grow radiant,
Women give birth to prodigies, their husbands
Die prematurely?
You could set me anywhere-on a desert island
Without a TV set and no Man Friday,
Condemned to a steady diet of bark and berries
And frittered star-fish,
Or banish me to the freezing wastes of Sodus,
Where, by report, the men spit solid ice-cubes—
And you’ld find me engrossed in innocent, flowing numbers,
Measuring Mabel.