Shall I sell it door to door?
Dirt under my fingernails.
Ear-bones out of home-made brandy.
Spider nests from my liver.
It’s just beginning, this hump
That makes me take a step
Differently. Something bristly, growing
In its hiding place, evicting me
With a raised shovel.
Naturally I tried to argue, to convince …
Then on the sly, stuff it in a sack
Full of rocks and drop it in a river.
It waited with open arms on my return.
We made love. Later, I shared
A can of sardines with it and a cup of milk
It’s getting fat with drool off my spoon,
With spittle I aim at its face.
Now I breathe only its breath
Of dirty diapers, of lint
That lines the pockets, of sweat.
If I’m still awake, it’s because
It needs this light to read by
The Lives of its Saints:
How an old Polish woman
Saw God as she scrubbed floors.