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Christina Rossetti
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5 Dec 1830
29 Dec 1894
âAfter Communionâ
âAfter Deathâ
âAfter This the Judgmentâ
âAll Saintsâ
âAll Thy Works Praise Thee, O Lordâ
âAmor Mundiâ
âAnother springâ
âFrom the Antiqueâ
âAn Apple Gatheringâ
âAscension Dayâ
âAsh Wednesdayâ
âAt Homeâ
âAt Lastâ
âAutumn Violetsâ
âA Ballad of Bodingâ
âBeauty is vainâ
âBehold a Shakingâ
âBehold the Man!â
âA Better Resurrectionâ
âBird or Beast?â
âBird Rapturesâ
âA Bird Songâ
âA Birdâs-eye Viewâ
âA birthdayâ
âA Bride Songâ
âBrother Bruinâ
âA Bruised Reed Shall He Not Breakâ
âBuds and Babiesâ
âBy the Seaâ
âBy the Waters of Babylonâ
âA Candlemas Dialogueâ
âChristmas Carolsâ
âConsider the Lilies of the Fieldâ
âThe Convent Thresholdâ
âA Daughter of Eveâ
âDays of Vanityâ
âDe Profundisâ
âDead Hopeâ
âDespised and Rejectedâ
âA Dirgeâ
âDost Thou Not Care?â
âAn Easter Carolâ
âAn endâ
âExultate Deoâ
âA Farm Walkâ
âFata morganaâ
âThe First Spring Dayâ
âA Fisher-Wifeâ
âFluttered Wingsâ
âFor Thine Own Sake, O My Godâ
âFreaks of Fashionâ
âThe Ghostâs Petitionâ
âGoblin Marketâ
âGolden Silencesâ
âGone Foreverâ
âGood fridayâ
âA Green Cornfieldâ
âGrown and Flownâ
âHe and Sheâ
âA Hope Carolâ
âThe Hour and the Ghostâ
âFrom House to Homeâ
âI Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Unto The Hillsâ
âIf Onlyâ
âIf Thou Sayest Behold We Knew It Notâ
âIn the Bleak Midwinterâ
âIn the Willow Shadeâ
âIs It Well with the Child?â
âJessie cameronâ
âThe Key-Noteâ
âThe Lambs of Grasmereâ
âLater Lifeâ
âLife and Deathâ
âLife flows down to death âŚâ
âA lifeâs parallelsâ
âLong Barrenâ
âLove from the northâ
âLove is Strong as Deathâ
âLove Lies Bleedingâ
âThe Love of Christ Which Passeth Knowledgeâ
âThe Lowest Placeâ
âThe Lowest Roomâ
âLuscious and Sorrowfulâ
âMaiden Mayâ
âA Martyrâ
âMartyrsâ Songâ
âMarvel of Marvelsâ
âThe Master is Come, and Calleth for Theeâ
âMaude clareâ
âMemento Moriâ
âMirrors of Life and Deathâ
âMonna Innominataâ
âThe Months: A Pageantâ
âMy dreamâ
âMy Secretâ
âNo, Thank You, Johnâ
âNoble sistersâ
âO roses for the flush of youth âŚâ
âOf Him that was Ready to Perishâ
âOh what comes over the sea âŚâ
âOld and New Year Dittiesâ
âAn Old-World Thicketâ
âOn the Wingâ
âOnce for Allâ
âOne Certaintyâ
âOne Dayâ
âOne Foot on Sea, and One on Shoreâ
âPatience of Hopeâ
âA Pauseâ
âA pause of thoughtâ
âA peal of bellsâ
âThe poor ghostâ
âA portraitâ
âThe Princeâs Progressâ
âA Prodigal Sonâ
âPromises Like Pie-Crustâ
âA Rose Plant in Jerichoâ
âA royal princessâ
âSaints and Angelsâ
âShall I Forget?â
âShe sat and sang alway âŚâ
âShut Outâ
âSleeping at Lastâ
âA Smile and a Sighâ
âSoeur Louise de la MisĂŠricordeâ
âSomewhere or Otherâ
âSongs in a cornfieldâ
âSpring Quietâ
âA summer wishâ
âFrom Sunset to Star Riseâ
âSweet Deathâ
âTake Care of Himâ
âA Testimonyâ
âThere is a Budding Morrow in Midnightâ
âThey Desire a Better Countryâ
âThe Thread of Lifeâ
âThe Three Enemiesâ
âThree Seasonsâ
âThy Brotherâs Blood Criethâ
âTill To-morrowâ
âTo-dayâs Burdenâ
âTouching Neverâ
âA Triadâ
âTwilight calmâ
âTwilight Nightâ
âTwo doves upon the selfsame branch âŚâ
âUnder the roseâ
âUntil the Day Breakâ
âVanity of vanitiesâ
âVenusâ Looking-Glassâ
âWeary in Well-Doingâ
âWhat Would I Give?â
âWhen I am dead my dearest âŚâ
âWhen My Heart is Vexed, I Will Complainâ
âWho Shall Deliver Me?â
âWife to Husbandâ
âWinter rainâ
âA Wintry Sonnetâ
âThe Worldâ
âYet a little whileâ