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“Four in the Morning Courage” by Ford Madox Ford 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 (17 Dec 187326 Jun 1939)
The birds this morning wakened me so early it was hardly day:
Ten sparrows in the lilac tree, a blackbird inthe may,
Astarling somewhere in the mews, a songthrush on a broken hat
Downin the yard the grocers use, all cried: “Beware; Beware! The Cat!”
I’ve never had the heart to rhyme, this year: I’ve always wakened sad
And late, if might be, so the time would be more short—but I was glad
With a mad gladness in to-day that is the longest day in June.
( That blackbird’s nesting in the may.) For only yesterday at noon
In the long grass of Holland Park, I think—I think—I heard a lark …
I heard your voice: I saw your face once more … (Upon thatpackingcase
The starling waked me ere the day aping the thrush’s sober tune).