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“That Exploit of Yours” by Ford Madox Ford 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 (17 Dec 187326 Jun 1939)
I meet with two soldiers sometimes here in Hell
The one, with a tear on the seat of his red pantaloons
Was stuck by a pitchfork,
Climbing a wall to steal apples.
The second has a seeming silver helmet,
Having died from a fall from his horse on some tram-lines
In Dortmund.
These two
Meeting in the vaulted and vaporous caverns of Hell
Exclaim always in identical tones:
“I at least have done my duty to Society and the Fatherland!”
It is strange how the cliché prevails …
For I will bet my hat that you sent me here to Hell
Are saying the selfsame words at this very moment
Concerning that exploit of yours.