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“Dusk” by Georg Trakl 🇦🇹 (3 Feb 18873 Nov 1914)
Translated from the German
You are rumpled, distorted by every pain
And shake with the discord of all melodies,
You burst harp—a poor heart,
From which gloom’s sick flowers bloom.
Who has ordered the enemy, the murderer for you,
That stole the last spark of your soul,
How he makes this scanty world godless
To a whore, ugly, ill, pale with putrefaction!
From shadows a wild dance still swings
To frizzily ruptured, soulless sound,
A round dance around beauty’s thorn wreath,
Which witheringly crowns the lost winner,
—A bad trophy for that fought desperation,
And that does not reconcile the bright divinity.