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“We needs must be divided in the tomb …” by George Santayana 🇪🇸🇺🇸 (16 Dec 186326 Sep 1952)
We needs must be divided in the tomb,
For I would die among the hills of Spain,
And o’er the treeless melancholy plain
Await the coming of the final gloom.
But thou—O pitiful!—wilt find scant room
Among thy kindred by the northern main,
And fade into the drifting mist again,
The hemlocks’ shadow, or the pines’ perfume.
Let gallants lie beside their ladies’ dust,
In one cold grave, with mortal love inurned;
Let the sea part our ashes, if it must.
The souls fled thence which love immortal burned,
For they were wedded without bond of lust,
And nothing of our heart to earth returned.