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Prayer 95 by Saint Gregory of Narek 🇦🇲 (c. 951 – c. 1011)
Translated from the Armenian by & Thomas J. Samuelian
Speaking with God from the Depths of the Heart:
Sun of justice, ray of blessings, form of light,
cherished desire, exalted beyond understanding,
mighty beyond telling, joy of goodness,
hope realized, praised by heaven,
king of glory Christ creator,
life proclaimed, finish, I pray,
the meanderings of my wretched, errant voice
with your own mighty words.
Help me to polish a pleasing prayer,
to bring before your Father on high.
You who took on my likeness
submitting for my sake to trial and condemnation,
take pity on me.
You who bless all life, God of Goodness,
who provide all things above and below,
who were willing to die for me,
God and lord of all,
who have borne the pangs of mortal flesh,
take pity on me, for I am wracked with pain.
Take pity on me, stay with me, a wretched sinner,
and pray with me to your Father, your equal in glory.
By your noble and glorious blood,
offered unceasingly to please God who sent you,
may the dangers be lifted from me, the condemned,
may my transgressions be forgiven,
may my vices be pardoned,
may my shamelessness be forgotten,
may my sentence be commuted,
may the worms shrivel,
may the wailing stop,
and the gnashing of teeth fall silent.
Let the laments lessen and tears dry.
Let mourning end and darkness be banished.
May the vengeful fire be tamped out
and torments of every kind be exiled.
May you who grant life to all be compassionate now.
Let your light dawn, your salvation be swift,
your help come in time, and the hour of your
arrival be at hand.
May the dew of your mercy quench the parched field
where my bones have fallen into the pit of death.
Prepare the earth for the day of light
and let the soil bloom and bring forth fruit,
heavenly cup of life-giving blood,
ever sacrificed, never running dry
all for the salvation and life of the souls in eternal rest.
And though my body die in sin,
with your grace and compassion,
may I be strengthened in you, cleansed of sin
through you, and renewed by you with life everlasting,
and at the resurrection of the righteous
be deemed worthy of your Father’s blessing.
To him together with you, all glory,
and with the Holy Spirit, praise and resounding thanks,
now, always and forever,