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“Lost River” by James Tate 🇺🇸 (8 Dec 19438 Jul 2015)
Jill and I had been driving for hours on these little back country roads and we hadn’t seen another car or a store of any kind in all that time. We were trying to get to a village called Lost River and were running out of gas. There was a man there that owns a pterodactyl wing and we heard that he might want to sell it. He was tired of it, we were told. Finally, I see an old pick-up truck coming up behind us and I pull over and get out of the car and wave. The man starts to pass by, but changes his mind and stops. I ask him if he knows how to get to Lost River and he says he’s never heard of it, but can give us directions to the closest town called Last Grocery Store. I thank him and we eventually find Last Grocery Store, which consists of three trailers and a little bitsy grocery store. The owner is old and nearly blind, but he’s glad to meet us and we’re glad to meet him. I ask him if he knows how to get to Lost River from here. He ponders for awhile, and then says, “I don’t see how you could get there, unless you’re walking. There’s no road in them parts. Why would anybody be wanting to go to Lost River, there’s nothing there.” “There’s a man there that’s got a pterodactyl wing he might be willing to sell,” I say. “Hell, I’ll sell you mine. I can’t see it anymore, so I might as well sell it,” he says. Jill and I look at eachother, incredulous. “Well, we’d sure like to see it,” I say. “No problem,” he says, “I keep it right here in back of the store.” He brings it out and it’s beautiful, delicate and it’s real, I’m certain of it. The foot even has its claws on it. We’re speechless and rather terrified of holding it, though he hands it to us trustingly. My whole body feels like it’s vibrating, like I’m a harp of time. I’m sort of embarassed, but finally I ask him how much he wants for it. “Oh, just take it. It always brought me luck, but I’ve had all the luck I need,” he says. Jill gives him a kiss on the cheek and I shake his hand and thank him. Tomorrow: Lost River.