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“Rising Absenteeism” by James Tate 🇺🇸 (8 Dec 19438 Jul 2015)
I keep stalling in the middle
of these sprawling decades.
The first few minutes are all that matter.
Then a big fizzle,
I’m out of wind for centuries
like a dead husky,
a dejected opera house,
really just pizzling down
the slopes
into a tub of pink wine.
Does anybody remember Yoko?
person dont live here anymore
“You don’t do me justice!”
That where you want to get slain?
Port of Scorn, you want to escape
not from, not into, your center is off
and you move sideways,
you allow yourself to move
always with fear and deep defeat.
You will make it—
for you the sea will not open.
You have this love written on you:
stern failure to negotiate
or giving-in to the flood.
“Yes, poor Snake gave her life for you,
pushed you away from that speeding car …”
A certain head-on collision didn’t happen
at a fortuitous time, is that what
you’re braying? That we’re inviolable?
I hope you had more enthusiasm as a child
than to say after the rollercoaster
“It was uneven,
The Hall of Mirrors was uneven;
and surely my days are uneven
as the world is uneven.”
No two days are alike.
I guess they are glued.
I am still digesting
my miles per gallon.
It’s not meant to look like anybody else.
This is definitely an aberration.
I could get to like yours.
This is my political punching bag, my cell.
Make me happy and I’ll be your slave
boogie boogie dumb dumb …
It moves from despair to despair
to despair to slapstick to despair
to slapstick despair despair and so on.
My self had died,
sits up and yawns:
it must be melancholy for someone.
In a world so rich no wonder
the insane own most of it.
It exists; refutes all attempts
to destroy it,
twitters in the night.
I have no vision, only a lasting gaze, bam!
Off with your head.
There are moments—most of them
have committed murder—and many
have everlasting monuments.
Who are the people, you may ask.
Gazing over the torn flesh you spot yourself.
It’s that kind of day,
I guess I feel like killing you.
I said spit over your shoulder,
this place is getting creepy.
I have always disapproved of higher education.
Really? Isn’t that fascinating.
He ought to get his head capped,
get one of those starheads.
Adios sixteen Japanese ricebirds
that couldn’t accommodate
more up-to-date habits.
I have been given ideas
for which I am not always grateful.
Earn a fortune overnight,
blow your brains out for the enchantment
of science and a wealth for all.
I look like a pile of people,
I can’t say too much about it.
I have this raging distraction:
the case of rising absenteeism.
I am alive beside you in hot type.