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“Amid Mounting Evidence” by John Ashbery 🇺🇸 (28 Jul 19273 Sep 2017)
I was reading about dinosaurs:
Once the scratching phase is over, and the mirage
Or menage has begun, and the world lies open
To the radiation theory (tons of radiation, think of it,
Reversing all normal procedures
So that the pessimistic ball of wax begins
To slide down the inclined plane again
Bringing further concepts to their doom while encouraging
The infinity of loose ends that
Is taking over our government and threatening to become life as we know it!)
It is time to slink off to one’s post in some cold desert
(Not the Sahara, more like the Gobi actually)
And wait amid that sadness known as banishment
For the point to reappear, though it may never do so,
And what was that strange uniform?
Only that we lived happily in ever-after land
And the fire of my mind was still with us then
Prevented the object of these negotiations from becoming a toy
Farther down the keyboard (and of course this did happen
Later on, every potential is realized if one waits long enough,
Only by that time the context may have faded, fragile
As summersweet or the light on a windowsill, and then,
And then, why the text will be seen as regular
Only no one wants to play anymore; games
Have their fashions much as truth does) and our lives from
Being turned into a shambles too large to deal with, unreasonable;
And as masonry weathers, as moths are silently at work in blankets
Even as you read this, I saw no reason for complaint
Or murmur and the entourage liked me, agreeing
With me that this wasn’t the right time nor place,
That arguments would be foreshortened if initiated now.
Yet this toothache that never seems to go away,
Burning mildly through the night, heartbeat
Of something, augurs no calamity unless leagues
And leagues of silent forest canopied by matte-gray
Sky are to be construed as such, but I think our peace
Should be given the benefit of a doubt and allowances
Surely made for all our thoughts and daily activities
If peace is what we really want, Roman
Candles ripping open the evening notwithstanding.
It’s so easy to trudge and pretend to be a boy
When deep down what you want is asking,
Not rich assurances that are autumnal
In the way they finally work out and become a sad
Though voluminous and vital commentary on our standing
Impatiently, waiting for the weather to make the first move,
And when this happens, be the first to scurry away
Complaining inaudibly and in general installing
Oneself as a capital nuisance, never to be given the time of day again.
And if this should happen there are always windows
With flower-boxes and dreamy young girls just behind them.
There are birds who stop by for one last agitated farewell
Before the long flight to the south, and so much more
To prevent the ultimatum from being drawn up that really
In the first falling flakes a job does get done:
Energy left over from some previous and saucy commitment
Turns out not to have been such a bad option. The drilling
Of noon insects in high summer had to precede this or something
Else, the dream be given texture and further substance
Because of something. It seems
Shipshape now. Everything seems to be all right.
The storm, you see, told none of its secrets,
Gave nothing away. There would have been no one to repeat it to
In any case. And the signs of stress that follow
In the wake of confusion are there to be read
If that is what one wants, but the electricity
Bakes them into shapes of its own cognizance, its wanting
To give us something a little better to spend
The rest of our lives looking for, wondering whether it got misplaced.
In the old days this would have been on the house.