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“An Outing” by John Ashbery 🇺🇸 (28 Jul 19273 Sep 2017)
“These things … that you are going to have—
Are you paid specially for them?”
“And when it is over, do you insist,
Do you insist that the visitor leave the room?”
“My activity is as random as the wind.
Why should I insist? The visitor is free to go,
Or to stay, as he chooses.”
Are you folks just going out for a walk
And if you are would you check the time
On your way back? It’s too late to do anything today.
I would just take a pratfall if I stepped outside that door.
“I don’t know whether I should apply or nothing.
I think you shd make yr decision.”
So it was by chance we found ourselves
Gumshod on the pebbled path, Denmark O Denmark
Flat, rounded eyes, Denmark Denmark
Gray parchment landscape Denmark O Denmark
Unmanageable sky, Denmark that cannot shift
The faucet drips, the minutes apply, Denmark.