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“Many Wagons Ago” by John Ashbery 🇺🇸 (28 Jul 19273 Sep 2017)
At furst it was as though you had passed,
But then no, I said, he is still here.
Forehead refreshed. A light is kindled. And
Another. But no I said
Nothing in this wide berth of lights like weeds
Stays to listen. Doubled up, fun is inside,
The lair a surface compact with the night.
It needs only one intervention,
A stitch, two, three, and then you see
How it is all false equation planted with
Enchanting blue shrubbery on each terrace
That night produces, and they are backing up.
How easily we could spell if we could follow,
Like thread looped through the eye of a needle,
The grooves of light. It resists. But we stay behind, among them,
The injured, the adored.