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“Tahiti Trot” by John Ashbery 🇺🇸 (28 Jul 19273 Sep 2017)
We close in on ourselves,
then yelp that the world is awry.
If one person could see his (or her)
reflection outlined in the mirror
the last knot would come untied,
the great ship slip into the depths
of the Atlantic Ocean. Who told you
to say that? Why have you come here?
We need more people like you
to tell us what we’re not like. True,
aging would get lost in the process.
We’d be sitting on the grass like young
idiots, involved in some personal spell
when the boiler exploded. You’d say,
“I can’t get over that hat,” and I.
pretending not to understand, would say,
“Can I get you anything?”