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“Song of the Soul That Delights in Knowing God by Faith” by Saint John of the Cross 🇪🇸 (24 Jun 154214 Dec 1591)
Translated from the Spanish by Antonio T. de Nicolas
Well I know the fountain that runs and flows,
though it is night!
This eternal fountain is hidden deep.
Well I know where it has its spring,
Though it is night!
In this life’s dark night,
Faith has taught where this cold fountain lies,
Though it is night!
Its origin I cannot know, it has none,
And I know all origins come from it,
Though it is night!
And I know there can be nothing more fair,
The heavens and earth drink there,
Though it is night!
And I know it has no bed,
And I know no one can cross its depths,
Though it is night!
Its clarity is never clouded,
And I know all light shines from it,
Though it is night!
I know her streams swell so abundantly,
They water people, heaven and even hell,
Though it is night!
The current born of this fountain
I know to be wide and mighty,
Though it is night!
And from these two another stream flows,
And I know neither comes before,
Though it is night!
I know Three in only one water live,
And each the other feeds,
Though it is night!
This eternal fountain is hiding from sight
Within this living bread to give us life,
Though it is night!
He calls all creatures to this light,
And of this water they drink, though in the dark,
Though it is night!
This living fountain I desire,
I see it here within this living bread,
Though it is night!