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“On the Next World” by Khalil Gibran 🇱🇧🇺🇸 (6 Jan 188310 Apr 1931)
Translated from the Arabic by Juan R. I. Cole
My heart wearied within me, until it bad me farewell and journeyed to the Realm of Happiness in the next world. When it arrived at the shrine sanctified by the soul, it stood bewildered, for it did not witness there what it had so long envisioned. It saw not power, wealth, or sovereignty. It saw only the youth of beauty; his consort, the daughter of love; and their child, wisdom.
My heart addressed the daughter of love, saying “Where is contentment, love? For I have heard that the inhabitants of this place partake thereof.”
She replied, “Contentment has gone to preach in the city of overweening ambition, for we have no need of her. Happiness does not seek containment; rather, Happiness is a yearning that is embraced by union, whereas contentment is forgetfulness assailed by oblivion. The immortal soul is never contented, for it desires perfection and perfection in infinity.”
My heart addressed the youth of beauty, saying, “Reveal to me the mystery of woman, Beauty, and enlighten me, for you are knowledge.”
He replied, “She is you, the human heart, and whatever describes you describes her. She and I are one, and wherever I alight she descends. She is like religion uncorrupted by the ignorant, like the moon not veiled by clouds, like a breeze unadulterated by the breaths of depravity.”
My heart approached Wisdom, the daughter of Love and Beauty and said, “Give me wisdom, that I may convey it to humanity.”
She replied, “It is happiness, which begins in the soul’s holiest of holies and never comes from without.”