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“An Evening after Rain” by Mikhail Lermontov 🇷🇺 (15 Oct 181427 Jul 1841)
Translated from the Russian by & Rupert Moreton
Beyond my window now horizon fades,
Declining ray atop the colonnades—
The domes, the chimneys, crosses golden-leaved—
Is glistening, burning eyes of the deceived;
And fiery edges of the cloudy veil
Like snakes are sketched as if by pencil’s trail,
And softly breezes through the garden pass
Caressing stems of quivering rain-soaked grass …
Between those stems I spied a little bloom,
As ’twere an eastern pearl amidst the gloom,
And trembling, sparkling droplet from it hung,
Its head inclined, it yet to standing clung,
Just like a mourning girl confronting dole,
Her spirit quenched, her joy departing soul:
Despite her eyes that streamed with angry tears,
Her beauty she’ll recall in coming years.