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“Bored and Sad” by Mikhail Lermontov 🇷🇺 (15 Oct 181427 Jul 1841)
Translated from the Russian
And boring and sad, and none to be given a hand
When a minute of suffering comes
Desires! … what’s the use of desiring vainly without a stand? …
While the years slip by—the best ones!
To love … whom again? … for a while—it is worth no pains,
But to love for eternity no one could.
Shall you look in yourself?—of the past no vestige remains:
There all has been nothing, every joy, every wound …
What passions?—After all sooner or later their pleasant disease
Shall vanish, if you reason it out at rest
And life, if you look it all over with icy attention—it is
Such an empty and foolish jest …