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“The Terrible Flat People” by Reed Whittemore 🇺🇸 (11 Sep 19196 Apr 2012)
See, they return,
The flat people.
They are flat, they have two dimensions,
Not three.
See, they return
From the library shelves
Where the three-dimensional
People put them!
How simple they are, how predictable,
And terrible.
They are types (ugh); they are characters
Walking the earth
With labels across their chests—dean, landlord,
Fuzz, racist (ugh);
And now they are sitting
Where the three-dimensional
People sat!
(Or so say the papers,
Hear the flatulence.)
So now the three-dimensional
People are sitting complexly
They are feeling (with mixed feelings)
Henchmen of Wall Street!
—see how they shrink,
The well-rounded (ugh)