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“The Bridegroom” by Robert Bly 🇺🇸 (23 Dec 192621 Nov 2021)
The bridegroom wanted to reach the Norwegian Church.
But the roads were made impassable by huge snows.
We are each the bridegroom longing for existence.
Marriage brings the moth close to the candle flame.
With their frail wings, men and women
Are constantly flying into the fire of existence.
Some say that each drop of ground water in Kansas
Knows about the ocean. How can this be?
Every drop of water longs like us for existence.
Abu Said fasted in the desert for twenty years.
Later when he came back, his dragon friend
Wept. “Your suffering gave me a hint of existence.”
When the pianist’s fingers strike all the notes
In the Tenth Prelude, it’s clear Bach’s soul has been
Leaping about like a hare in the field of existence.
Robert, you’re close to joy but not quite there.
You are a hunchback standing in an Italian
Square, looking in at the festival of existence.