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“Farewell to Celibacy” by Sándor Petőfi 🇭🇺 (1 Jan 182331 Jul 1849)
Translated from the Hungarian
I leave you now, my oldest friend
Celibacy, I must say farewell.
You were my comrade for twenty-five years,
I can’t go without goodbye, I know it well.
Don’t be mad at me, who, even though your
Follower, will leave you suddenly,
I shared my adolescence with you,
I want my manhood only for me.
I loved you, perhaps like nobody else,
When you warned me, I obeyed.
I went wherever the banner of
Romantic adventures you swayed.
You took me far away to many places;
I got tired, now I need a rest.
My bed will be my lover’s two arms
And my white pillow will be her two soft breasts.
My young pals are smiling,
A sneer going from lip to lip
And they pass me by showing pity …
Sour grapes, I say, isn’t it?
Indeed I am very deplorable,
Really worthy of all the compassion,
Because I cannot roam night after night
Filthier than filthy taverns, with passion.
I am not allowed to love more than one,
The one who also loves only me.
Not like their fantastic lovers
Who loved many hundreds easily.
Farewell my friend, Celibacy!
You can be angry or you can laugh,
I am now turning my back on you
The pleasures you gave me were more than enough.
Get new followers with your colorful banner
Somewhere else,—me, you can forget.
All I need now is a white banner
And that will be my young wife’s bonnet.