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“I love you my darling …” by Sándor Petőfi 🇭🇺 (1 Jan 182331 Jul 1849)
Translated from the Hungarian by Miklós Nádasdi
I love you my darling,
I love your slim body,
Your ivory forehead,
Your hair like ebony,
Your sparkling dark eyes
And your rosy cheeks,
Your tender, soft hands
And your sweet, full lips.
I love your soul
That can fly so high
And the mountain-lake depth
Of your warm heart.
I love you when you’re smiling
Because you are glad,
Or with tears in your eyes
Because you are sad.
I love your virtues
Shining so bright
And also your faults
That are never in sight.
I love you my darling,
I love you truly
As much as one can love,
Deeply, strongly, fully.
You are everything,
There’s no life without you,
You enmesh all my thoughts
Steadfast, through and through.
You are all my feelings
Awake or asleep,
You are always present
In my every heart beat.
I would relinquish
All the glory for you
And, if you wanted,
Regain it all anew.
I have no wish
And no will either
Because what you want
Is also my desire.
No sacrifice is too small
Of any measure
If it would give you
Even a small pleasure.
If you would lose something
Small but it would cause pain
It would hurt me as well,
I would feel the same.
I love you my darling,
I love you even more,
I love you like no one
Has loved you before.
I love you my darling
So that it could kill me.
I am all in one
Who can love you dearly:
Husband. son and father
Or your older brother,
I am all those and,
Most of all, your lover.
At the same time
You are also my life,
Mother, daughter, sister,
Lover and my wife!
I love you with my heart,
I love you with my soul,
I love you with dreamy,
Crazy love and more! …
And if one deserves
A praise or a prize
For all what I said,
Those of any size,
The praise and the prize
Whatever may be,
You deserve it all,
You alone—not me.
You deserve it all
Because the love I feel
You made it all real!