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“If You Are a Man, Be a Man” by Sándor Petőfi 🇭🇺 (1 Jan 182331 Jul 1849)
Translated from the Hungarian by Miklós Nádasdi
If you are a man, be a man
Not a puppet, worthless, weak
That destiny can toss around
For the pleasure it may seek.
Fate is a coward bitch that yelps,
Runs away from the brave
Who is willing to face it,
So don’t capitulate!
If you are a man, be a man,
Mere words alone are useless.
Action speaks far better
Than any Demosthenes.
Build or destroy like a storm
And be silent when you are done,
Like the storm when it is finished
Quietly dies down.
If you are a man, be a man,
Have principles and faith,
Adhere to them steadfast
For whatever it takes.
Rather give up your life
A hundred times more
Than deny yourself
And lose your honor.
If you are a man, be a man,
Guard your independence,
Don’t ever sell it for
All the world’s abundance.
Despise those who for a fat meal
Are willing to sell themselves.
Your slogan should always be:
“Beggar-staff and independence!”
If you are a man, be a man,
Be strong, be brave, be firm,
This way you can be certain
Neither man nor fate can do you harm.
Be an oak that, by a storm,
Might sometimes be felled
But its awesome solid trunk
The wind could never bend.