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“I Call” by Vladimir Mayakovsky 🇷🇺 (1893 – 1930)
Translated from the Russian by & Andrey Kneller
Like a heavyweight lifter,
I stumbled on, tired.
I called,
as if summoning people to vote,
or alarming
the villagers
that there’s a fire:
Here it is!
Help me carry my load!”
When they saw
such a bulk sobbing and wailing—
through snow
and through mud
in fright,
all the ladies
scurried away from me:
“That’s too much …
We just wanted a tango tonight.”
I can do it no more,—
And yet, I carry this burden.
I want to throw it away—
but I won’t,
that’s for certain!
I walked on, enduring the pain in my chest.
My ribcage was trembling under the stress.