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“Lifelong” by W. D. Snodgrass 🇺🇸 (5 Jan 192613 Jan 2009)
for the marriage of Charles and Lucina, Candelaria Day, Feb. 2, 1995. Terminally ill, Charles died Dec. 31, 1996.
So long as you both shall lift
An echo in night’s tunnel, lift
A child from numbing pavements, lift
A hand to hold back, to set loose, to enfold;
So long as you both shall leave
Proud pursuits go their own gait, leave
The trampling and bright trophies, leave
Your tidemark on the mind’s strand;
So long as you both shall laugh
At sworn lies and their catch tunes, laugh
At all contrived, all forced growths, laugh
From the peaks of occult, calm passion;
So long as you both shall leaf
Through sanctimonious parchments, leaf
Gold on a new daybook’s edges, leaf
Out, then blossom the nerves’ branchings;
So long as you both shall listen
To the song latched in the ribs’ cage, listen
To breath, soft, in the next room, listen
To surfsound down the blood’s ways;
So long as you both shall love,
So long last; none lasts longer.