Tomorrow they will come for you
old female word from the corner
motionless in the dark
they will take you out to be
bared elsewhere
opened before it is May
there is no one else here
the door wide to the blinding
the wind one of the family
like a cold hen
mute about the kitchen
the rest away busy the shirts waiting
for the iron
the calendar ticking
the animals will keep away
we do not believe in
the sunlight will always lie there
even tonight even tomorrow night
it was always there
but you go back to another time
it is said
as though there is one
If tomorrow is really
not today
how can one believe in anything
as vou say
hands holding each other in
paper bags older than they are
eyes cut out of your dress hung
to dry
burst package to be
carried past the toys out
in the bright dirt
past the shadows waving
ringing their bells raising
their instruments
whatever is brought back as you know
is not all
but if you get
later to a place with a blackened wall
and two sticks held together
by a little smoke
maybe they would let you sit by it
in the day
and you could announce what he is doing
the animal their sky