.. _bands: ##### Bands ##### The ``Band`` defines all aspects of how detectors on an array will respond to incident radiation, including * How the detectors respond to different frequencies of radiation. * The efficiencies of the detectors. * The noise properties of the detectors. * The variation in detector gains across the array. We can create the simplest possible ``Band`` as e.g. .. plot:: :include-source: True import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from maria import Band my_band = Band(center=150, # in GHz width=30) # in GHz my_band.plot() The ``center`` and ``width`` parameters define the shape of the passband $\\tau(\\nu)$. The convention of $\\tau(\\nu)$ is that of a Rayleigh-Jeans source, so that the power incident on each detector in the band will be .. math:: P = \eta k \int_0^\infty T_b(\nu) \tau(\nu) d\nu where $\\eta$ is the efficiency (from the supplied ``efficiency`` parameter) and $k$ is Boltzmann's constant.