.. _maps: #### Maps #### A map is represented by a ``Map`` object. We can load some pre-defined ones with .. plot:: :include-source: True import maria map_filename = maria.io.fetch("maps/big_cluster.fits") input_map = maria.map.read_fits(filename=map_filename, index=1, # which index of the HDU to read nu=150., # in GHz resolution=1/1024, center=(150, 10), frame="ra_dec", units="Jy/pixel") input_map.to(units="uK_RJ").plot() We can then add the map to a simulation as .. code-block:: python sim = maria.Simulation(instrument=my_instrument, site=my_site, plan=my_plan, atmosphere="2d", cmb="generate, map=input_map) .. _Time-evolving maps: ++++++++++++++++++ Time-evolving maps ++++++++++++++++++ ``maria`` supports maps that evolve in time, which is useful for modeling *e.g.* solar observations. .. code-block:: python time_evolving_sun_path = fetch("maps/sun.h5") input_map = maria.map.load(filename=time_evolving_sun_path, t=1.7e9 + np.linspace(0, 180, 16)) plan = maria.Plan(start_time=1.7e9, duration=180, scan_center=np.degrees(input_map.center), scan_options={"radius": 0.25}) sim = maria.Simulation(plan=plan, map=input_map) tod = sim.run() tod.plot() .. warning:: If the observation overruns the start or end of the map in time, it will lead to some funky discontinuities.