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Conrad Aiken
5 Aug 1889
17 Aug 1973
“All Lovely Things”
“Beloved, Let Us once More Praise the Rain”
“Blues for Ruby Matrix”
“Broad on the sunburnt hill the bright moon comes …”
“Chance Meeting”
“Counterpoint: Two Rooms”
“The Cyclads”
“The day opens with the brown light of snowfall …”
“The girl in the room beneath …”
“Haunted Chambers”
“How is it that I am now so softly awakened …”
“How Many Times Have We Been Interrupted”
“It is now two hours since I left you …”
“A Letter from Li Po”
“Like an old tree uprooted by the wind …”
“Many things perplex me …”
“Melody in a Restaurant”
“Multitudes Turn in Darkness”
“My love, I have betrayed you …”
“Nocturne of Remembered Spring”
“Red is the color of blood, and I will seek it …”
“The Things”
“Think, love, how when a starry night of frost …”
“This girl gave her heart to me …”
“What lunacy is this, that night-long tries …”
“What music’s devious voice can say …”
“When I was a boy …”
“When you are not surprised …”