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“What lunacy is this, that night-long tries …” by Conrad Aiken 🇺🇸 (5 Aug 188917 Aug 1973)
What lunacy is this, that night-long tries,
With seven or seventy or ten thousand words,
To compass God in heaven, the loved one’s eyes?
Alas! were the whole language changed to birds,
And I Prince Prospero to set them free,
Though I should hide all heaven with beating wings,
Still the essential would escape, still be
Unspoken, dumb, like all essential things.
Love, let me be the beginning world, and grow
To Time from Timelessness, and out of Time
Create magnificent Chaos, and there sow
The immortal stars, and teach those stars to rhyme—
Even so, alas, I could in no sense move
From the begin-all-end-all phrase, “I love.”