Instruments are represented by an Instrument
object. When we pass a string to the Simulation
(for example instrument='act'
) just tells it to look up the Instrument
object based on that string.
We could just as easily do it ourselves as
# The Atacama Cosmology Telescope
act = maria.get_instrument('ACT')
# The Atacama Large Millimeter Array
alma = maria.get_instrument('ALMA')
m2 = maria.get_instrument('MUSTANG-2')
We can plot the angular/spatial and frequency footprint of an instrument with e.g.
import maria
act = maria.get_instrument('ACT')
(Source code
, png
, hires.png
, pdf

Customizing instruments¶
The Instrument
is based on a list of arrays (see Arrays), which are in turn based on a list of bands (see Bands). The easiest way to construct an instrument from scratch is as
from maria import Instrument, Band
band1 = {"center": 150, "width": 30, "NET_RJ": 1e-5}
band2 = "act/pa5/f150"
array1 = {"n": 1000,
"primary_size": 10,
"field_of_view": 0.5,
"bands": [band1, band2]}
array2 = "act/pa5"
my_instrument = Instrument(arrays=[array1, array2])